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Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Boiling Frog Phenomenon

The boiling frog story is a widespread anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to significant changes that occur gradually.

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Untitled part #1

Malam itu, aku melamun. Pikiranku melambung tak tentu arah. Hanya kosong yang kurasakan. Aku merasa seperti balon terbang helium yang terbang semakin tinggi dan semakin tinggi hingga langit yang tiada batas. Di ruang hampa ini, aku melihat berjuta-juta bintang. Aku melihat andromeda, vega, aufa. Berliuk-liuk, berderet, berjajar, dan tidak beraturan membentuk anomali keindahan. Ada juga bintang Sirius, sinarnya yang berwarna cerah membiru membuatku smakin takjub akan keindahan alam semesta. Aku terbang semakin jauh meninggalkan galaksi. Bergerak cepat, secepat kilatan cahaya. 3 x 10 pangkat 8 kata einsteins, itulah kecepatanku saat ini. Berjuta cahaya datang padaku. Menari, melompat, dan bernyanyi mengitariku. Sesaat aku berhenti. Aku mendengar nada-nada yang tak asing di telingaku. Nada-nada itu semakin kuat dan kuat hingga gendang telingaku tak mampu menahannya lagi. Aku terbangun dari lamunanku. Nada-nada tadi ternyata adalah nada dering telepon genggamku. Aku melihat sekelilingku, tiada seorangpun, hanya suara denting jam kamarku dan sebuah pena di meja tempatku belajar. Tanpa kusadari ternyata, pena memperhatikanku sedari tadi, dia (pena) hanya tersenyum, seakan ingin mengajakku untuk menulis kisahku pada selembar kertas putih ini. . .

Kutatap langit
Kutengok kolong semesta
Kuhempas diri merenungimu
Kau sosok teraneh.
Melintas dalam jam pasirku
Tapi sekejam senyum manismu kini lenyap
Bersama tawa kesedihan dan tangis kebahagiaan
Sealunan dengan lyrik lagu kenangan yang sedari td bergema menemaniku.
Satu pertanyaan terlintas dalam benakku.
Kapankah diriku dan dirimu bertemu kembali?...

(April, 24th 2010)

The First Assignment of English

Dialogue Script
4th  Team that include Rahmat Budiarto as MC or Master of Ceremony (MC)
            Dhea Prasetyo as Mariah Carey (MarC)
            Nanto as Prof. Nanto de Nanto (NdN)
            Fajri Wildana as  Justien Bieber (JB)

March 26th 2012, 15:50 pm
After  I wake up, i decide to go to living room. I want to watch my favorite progam television. I always see it whereever and whenever i do.  My favorite progam television is “Black and White”. Black and White is one of talkshow progam televition that i like very much. 

MC    : Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen.The weather seems nice today, so I hope you are in a great condition. I really happy I can meet all of you again in a greatfull progam televisison “Black and White”. Ok Ladies & Gentleman. The topic that we ‘ll talking today is Damage Forest. To day I have 3 guest star that really famous, I believe all of you will fanatic with him and her. The firts, Let’s welcome Mr Justien Bieber. Please come to us,,,,,give applause for him.......
JB    :      Good morning every body
MC    :    Okay, Have a sit,please...! What are u’r busy now mr.JB?
JB    :    Just like before, i am singing, dancing, and preparing for my next single, just wait for it . And  I have a big secret, i’m preparing for my first movie.....this is my new challenge.. . . . . .
MC    :    I really to  be anxious to listen u’r next single and to see your movie. Okay Ladies & Gentleman. the second guest star, Let’s welcome Mrs. Mariah Carey Please come to us,,,,,give applause for her.......
MarC :  Assalamualaikum wr wb...Good morning all
MC    :  Okay, Sit down ,please.. I really surprised with u’r style today. You look so feminim moeslem....what kind of think that make u decide to transformation ur style?
MarC  :  I feel when I get the successfull, I think I must be better than before. So I want to be a feminim moeslem and my family support me to do this.
MC     : Okay I hope you can defend your style coz we like it very much Ladies and Gentleman  the last guest star, with honourable let’s welcome Mr. Prof. Nanto de Nanto from   Association  of  Agriculture Experts. Please come to us,,,,,give applause for him......
NdN   :  Good Morning everybody
MC    :  Okay, Sit down ,please...! Where do you come from Mr. NdN?
NdN  :  I come from Indonesia
MC    :  What is your motivation to join this Association ?
NdN  :  Hemzz....There are some motivation that caused me to join this association but the very  important motivation is because i love earth and you know that if some one love something, she/he surely will keep and save it with the deepest of his/her hearth. So that like me. I love earth and I want to keep and save it from all of thing that can disturb earth stability.
MC    :  What is your mission today ?
NdN  :  My mission today is asking at least 1 billion people to keep and save our earth together. Today we easily find our earth crisis like global warming, pure water crisis, fire forest etc. That directly influence human life.
MC    : The honourable audience as well as our guest star. As we know  today, the number of forest area we have in the world be smaller better than before.  Besides that in the fact we know that all activities of human give impact for our belove forest. It means that we as human deserve to called destroyer of environment. Once again, I would like to show you that the quality of forest we have deeply decreasing.    
MC    :  So, What do you thing about that ?
JB      :  You give me that question, but you know that I am an entertainer, so I don’t know much  about that. I hear that news everyday, I know it and really I want to do something useful.
MC    :  What about you, Miss. Mariah Carey ?
MarC :  Forest is a important for our life. Without forest, we deficient the oxygen. What will be  happen if one of oxygen producer in this world is damaged? I can’t  imagine it. Damage forest is caused by human activity that would like to explore the forest products excessively. They want big profits but they don’t care about other creature who depend on forest. Not only human but also animals and the other creature in the forest can be a victim. We should think about negative impact that caused by their act.
MC    :  I totally agree with Miss. Mariah Carey. We as human should do the best for our forest. Ok what about you Mr. Nanto de Nanto ? 
NdN   :  I think is not good hear. We know that the forest has an important function in the earth. Without forest, the earth become warm and we cannot do respiration. Otomatically we will die. Beside that, the forest has a function as fresh water storage. Now the forest condition is so critis, the number of forest area we have be smaller better that last year  and the quality of  forest we have decrease drastically.It means that we have to do something to save it. I think majority living componenes that cause damage forest in this time is human activity like illegal logging, huma, forest fire, massive mining. I mentioned before is that something that cause disadvantages for human life and nature.
MC    : Okay,  In your deeply mind, what should we do to protect and recovery our forest ? What will  you do to recovery our forest condition we have today ? May be your feedback is usefull.
NdN   : my opinion we have to do reboization for our forest. Besides that we have to do somethink like agroforestry concept. Agroforestry is one of friendly-environment concept that combined wood and horticulture to increase the productivity of this field. Agroforestry have been implemented in some region in jember like in Desa Silo.
JB      :  Maybe I can help you all to do that by my way. I will deliver the environmental value from  my songs, from my creations, i will do my best for it.
MarC  : That’s right. We should raise forest awareness and everything in it. We should not cut  down the forest  indiscriminate and save the forest with explore forest well. Save the forest can save our earth  too from global warming. I also can preserve the forest. In addition we can work  together with goverment to be more concerned with our forest and educating the public about the importance of forest for our future.
MC    :  In short way, Ladies and Gentleman. Our forest today need to  recovery and protect . Many negatif impact we will get if we only stay in our believe today and don’t care everything deals with our forest. Don’t forget, please keep in our mind that we have to do the best to recovery and protect our forest for today, tommorow, and our granchild living next time. Once Again “Environment is not only for our living , But also for the next living of our Filial. So Protect it.
MC    :   Okay i think time is over. We will meet you again next week in the same time.

Bye bye

THE STAR OF LIFE (just a poetry)

star. .

everyone has their star. .

the star being a guide of our steps. .

the star will always illuminate our steps ..

The star will always be there for us ..

So I'm trying to find my star. .

and one day I thought I had found my star ..

and the star begins to become part of my life. .

time passes so quickly ..

only one season. .

star is gone. .

lost and away. .

I instantly fell without my star ..

I slumped. .

I'm sick. .

I'm tired. .

everything became dark without my star. .

when it came the candles are trying to comfort me

Candles were also said'' are you sure she is your star? where you find out if she is your star?''

and when I realized .. I had to find my star really is . . .

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Tujuh Jurus Samurai Jadi Penulis

Lagi nyobaa ngedit-edit template blog, eh tiba2 lagi pengen nulis sesuatu, tapi bingung mau nulis dari mana and apa yang mau dituliss (idea terlalu banyak see, hehe). Kemudian terlintas untuk mencari suntikan motivasi buat nulis, mumpung lagi online, tanya ke paman Google kayaknya lebih enakk,, setelah butuh waktu lama untuk mencarinya (karena terlalu banyak blog yg harus dibaca dan banyak yang gag pass ma jalan pikiran guee, hehe), melalui sedikit perjuangan, akhirnya dapet tulisann ini,, judulnya "Tujuh Jurus Samurai Jadi Penulis" karya blogger Eni,,

Yukk nyobaa kitaa urai satu persatu (kyak ngurai benang kusut, haha geje) Tujuh Jurus Samurai-nyaa,,,
Lhohh kog langsung to the point, kenalan dulu yaa, apa itu tujuh jurus Samurai dan kenapa kog diberi nama jurus samurai. Ada yang tau gag knapa? pasti banyak yang tahuu, 
Diberi nama samurai karena beberapa hal:

  1. yang pertama, menurut guee karena samurai itu tajam sehingga filosofinya dalam menulis adalah kita diajari buad menjadi seorang penulis yang tajam, tajam di dalam menganalisa sesuatu dan tajam di dalam menuangkannya dalam bentuk tulisann,,, (bener kan, geje)
  2. yang keduaa, hemm, karena Samurai itu dari negara jepang, Jadi motivasi untuk menulis dalam artikel ini, semuanya diambil dari ajaran-ajaran yang ada di dalam budaya bangsa Jepang, Bangsa yang lagi jadi Macan Asia saat ini,, (Indonesia kapan yaa jadi Macan Asia?? ), Melalui filosofi hidup bangsa jepang itulah kemudian diambil inti ajarannya yang kemudian diterapkan didalam dunia tulis menulis,,
    Ngomongin tentang jepang gue jadi keinget kejadiaan tadi siang, pass lagi mau kuliah, guee gag sengaja lagi diskusi ma temen. Temen gue bilang kalo Malas itu adalah penyakitnyaa orang Indonesiaa. Emm, guee kemudiaan mikir2 nyobaa ngerenungin pernyataan itu. Setelah guee pikir2, kalo menurut guee sihh, malah kebalik mahh, Malas itu bukan jadi penyakit di Indonesia, kalau jadi penyakit mah maka gag ada orang indonesia yang mau malass, tapi kenyataan di lapangan menunjukkan hal yang bedaa (masihh banyak orang Indonesiaa yang malass termasuk kita juga, maybee,, habis ini wajib introspeksi diri nie). Dan ngelanjutin argument guee, malah kalau di negara Jepang malas itu jadi penyakit. Jadi banyak orang jepang yang gag males, gara-garanya gag mau sakit (kalau sakit biayaa berobat kann mahal, hehe). lahh jadi ngomongin tentang males,, mungkin ntar bisaa bikin postingan khusus bahas males ntar. Biar tambah asyik diskusinyaa,, iyyaa kann....

okeyy by the way,, mungkinn dua alasan ini udah ckupp untuk menjawabb, pertanyaaan yang diawali oleh kata mengapaa ato kenapa? (geje), hehehe

okeey dah, langsung aja yukk ke TKP,,

  • yupps yg pertama adalah jurus KAIZEN
Orang Jepang memiliki filosi andalan, salah satunya adalah “jurus Kaizen” yang dalam bahasa Jepang–Kai berarti perubahan, sedangkan Zen berarti baik. Jurus ini juga dapat kita adaptasi di dalam memompa “semangat menulis”, yaitu usaha kerja keras kita di dalam berusaha “terus menerus” mengasah kemampuan menulis agar mencapai tingkat kemampuan menulis yang lebih baik.
  • lanjut Jurus Kedua yakni Makoto
Dalam bahasa Jepang Makoto berarti “berjuang dan bersungguh-sungguh” yang menjunjung tinggi kemurnian untuk menulis menghasilkan karya bukan dengan tujuan untuk menonjolkan diri sendiri tetapi menulis untuk mengasah kemampuan diri di dalam mengadaptasikan sebuah ide biasa-biasa saja menjadi menjadi ide luar biasa lewat bahasa tulisan melalui kemampuan menulismu.

  • Jurus Ketiga BUSHIDO
Orang Jepang sangat menghayati semangat yang satu ini yang diwarisi secara turun temurun. Bushido berasal dari kata Bu berarti “senjata’, dan Shi berarti ‘orang’ dan Do berarti ‘ jalan’. Yang berarti sebuah proses belajar tidak kenal lelah dan mau melakukan perbaikan.

  • Jurus Keempat GENCHI GENBUTSU
Dalam bahasa Jepang jurus Genchi Genbutsu bermakna kemauan keras untuk belajar dari kesalahan yang pernah dilakukan. Di dalam menulis khususnya bagi pemula, banyak mengalami berbagai hambatan, mulai dari hambatan kurang memahami kepadanan bahasa yang hendak ditulis, tidak mengetahui bagaimana cara penulis saat pertama kali kalimat apa yang harus dituangkan ke dalam kalimat pertama dan sebagainya.
Untuk mencapai sukses belajar menulis dan menjadi penulis yang sukses adalah kemauan untuk terus belajar dan mempelajari satu persatu masalah dalam menulis yang dihadapi, jangan putus asa dan jangan pernah berhenti menulis karena jika kita sudah berhenti menulis maka sehebat apa pun ide yang ada di benak Anda akan menjadi sia-sia karena tidak akan pernah menjadi sebuah tulisan yang dapat memberi manfaat bagi orang lain

untuk jurus selanjutnyaa bersambung yaa,, (kayakk sinetron ajaaa, hahaha lagi2 gejee) lagi banyakk tugaass niee, derita mahasiswaa,,,, hahaha
