“.... melindungi segenap bangsa Indonesia dan seluruh tumpah darah Indonesia dan untuk memajukan kesejahteraan umum, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, dan ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia yang berdasarkan kemerdekaan....”
quote is not foreign anymore our ears, especially since the opening of
the Indonesian nation heard of the 1945 Constitution. The
opening of the 1945 Constitution should not be changed at all, either
plus or minus because one of the reasons that there are ideals - ideals
such as the above-mentioned countries. Because it is the basic philosophy of the movement of the Indonesian constitution. Short description of the ideals inscribed in the constitution.
One of the ideals - ideals of Indonesia is the nation's intellectual life. Path to achieve this is by education. Education
is a process to improve, repair, change the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes as well as the code of conduct a person or group of people in
the intellectual effort of human life through the guidance of teaching
and training activities (Zainuddin, 2008: 1). With education, a person can change his fate, viewed, and change the status of social work. So can we identify that education is the key to changing the condition of the nation.Education is an absolute that must be obtained by all citizens. This is also strengthened by our constitution in Article 31 UUDNRI 1945. Government
through the Ministry of Education and Culture in charge of providing
educational services to all citizens of Indonesia. With
a 20% budget allocation of the cost of educational services can be
expected to produce the successor to the nation's most qualified and
able to uplift this nation. But unfortunately, what is the goal - the goal is still not performing well. Facilities
of school buildings, teachers and the cost is still the reason for
inhibition of classical education in this country. Certainly in our minds the question "dikemanakan budget is 20% state budget". Some
time ago we also saw on television there is an elementary school
student who had to struggle to cross the river by the bridge collapse
that left only a piece of wire.
Recent unrest arose among the people about the existence of the bill PT (Higher Education). This
law indicates the commercialization of education, is implied in Article
64 of the Bill of PT, which reads "Universities have autonomy to manage
their own agency as a central organizing Tridharma". Can be further elaborated that the PT is allowed to exploit the funds for its needs. It
is possible there will be investment into the PT of the party which has
its own interests, it is able to realize Capitalism in our education. In short PT can be traded as well as raise the price of tuition for students dengana reason needs PT.Is this a reflection of the Government of responsibility for the intelligence of the nation's releasing this? Is
this form of discrimination against the education of our friends who
are in the eastern area there? Has the government meet in protecting
kewajibanya RIGHT NATION??
us compare with the building Banggar (agency budgets) House of
Representatives that has cost 20 billion dollars for the renovation,
while the unit price of each seat 10 million dollars were imported from
Germany. it is not real?
Happy of National Education day
Jumat, 08 Juni 2012
Message of Our Earth On Earth’s Day
Imagine not just 5 billion human beings as it is at this time, but 5 billion tigers inhabit the earth. There will be no place of a hundred meters far that you wont meet, see a tiger. Wouldn’t you become alarmed, stressed, frustrated, hunted, haunted by so many tigers?
Wild animals, creatures that are not tamed, domesticated, seeing man is almost like seeing a tiger, who’s more ferocious than real tigers are, for “man-tigers” aren’t content to eat, consume just meat for food, but also vegetables and fruits, and wood, and oil, and metal, and plastic, boulders, cement, concrete, …
Calculate how many millions of cows, sheep, chicken, tons of fish, corn, oil, wood, metal, … each year is needed to feed, provide for a 5 billion hungry world population and the mountains of waste it leaves that will pollute the streams, the air, the earth and cause the ozone-layer in the sky to deteriorate and the earth temperature to rise. Thus said The Earth.
According to prediction – then in 1990 when I wrote this -, in the year 2025 the world population would rise to 8,5 billion, an increase of about 3,5 billion within 35 years. Some one comments that the world population since the birth of man through – not just 35 years – but perhaps millions of years, only recently, just reached one billion. Wouldn’t it be disastrous for the earth including all its inhabitants with such a huge population?
On the contrary, suppose man could achieve a decrease of 3,5 billion instead, I, the Earth and all its citizens would rejoice.
That’s Earth’s message.
Conscious of the harm a world population that large would inflict, especially in the big and densely populated cities in Indonesia, a tight family program is campaigned aiming a decline in its population: a one-child family planning policy towards a better, happy world without pollution, traffic jams, unemployment, poverty, overcrowded slums, flats, without transmigration, without fear of conception, without abortion, …; for man, all Earth’s inhabitants and Nature alike.
Kartini's Day Reflection
MYTH Eve was created from Adam's rib prophet quite entrenched in society, causing the woman is seen as a complement of men. Superiority of men also become commonplace. But that was then! Now, along with the times, the notion of freedom began to undermine the myth. If
the first lady just be regarded as 'waiter' by men, now they position
themselves parallel to the men, they would no longer be 'under' the men.Today, almost no longer a gap between men and women. Jobs should be handled by men, now many are done by women. Of
construction laborers, rickshaw drivers, boxers, football players,
pilots, director of the company to the president, almost nothing is
missed.Today we commemorate Kartini Day. If
only Prince Maya (RA) Kartini still exist among us, maybe he'll smile
with pride to see the development of women in the country. RA Kartini was a national figure who laid the foundation of gender equality or women's emancipation.Initially, Kartini saw driven by a concern for discrimination against women in obtaining an adequate education. Through
his letters are routinely sent to his friends in Holland, he poured out
his heart, about the concerns of women in this country, about his
desire to advance his people, and realize the ideals of equality between
women and men. By
his friends in the Netherlands, the letters were collected and
published into a book called Door Duisternis tot Licht (Light After
Dark). This book is the foundation of 'construction' of gender equality in Indonesia.Women's emancipation movement in Indonesia, it has yielded many positive results. Characterized by the increasing number of women who come to the surface of the intellect. But
it can not be denied, in her emancipation, women are often faced with
problems as a reflection of cultural dilemma that often conflict with
the household. This is the biggest challenge in her women's emancipation, which is running a dual role!dual-role-wanitaTanpa leave nature as human reproduction, women also have to 'fight' a human being productive. On
the one hand, nature as a mother requires to care for and educate
children, while on the other hand he is busy with his career. Career
women have to prove himself as a productive human being, at the same
time, they also recognize themselves have drawbacks due to physical
conditions that often have a critical period (menstruation, pregnancy,
etc.).Failure to execute multiple roles can lead to a depressive state. Anticipating this, some career women tend to 'run' and choose a single woman. This
option was actually a problem, considering the woman had to let the
'biological clock' passed, which means deprifasi both in sexuality and
in obtaining offspring. Not
to mention the views of people who are always negative for single women
as impressed as the woman who 'do not sell' or 'unattractive'.Career women who married in the end much to delegate his duties as a 'mother' in others. The problem is, can the love of a mother is given indirectly? Psychologically, this will cause a conflict between mother and child. This conflict has the potential to interfere with the development of the child in later life. Not infrequently, many children who have 'broken home', to 'protest' in a negative way.Along
with the development of emancipation in the ground water quality
classification based on the size of female beauty, fascination and
religious devotion began to be abandoned. Now, she qualified to be highly educated and skilled in life. This fact led to the role of sexuality in a society experiencing a shift in values.Issues of sexuality began to be regarded as a form of expression of life. But along with that, other problems arise, given that male sexuality is an encouragement 'high importance'. It should be anticipated by a career woman in her emancipation. But
limiting behavior, appearance, space outdoors and limit the time and
place to hang out just to save themselves from the 'instinct hard' it is
'fetters' that hinder the career of a woman's career.Emancipation of women was not easy. The
struggle of women in realizing emancipation or gender equality has
always led to the dilemma which sometimes takes sacrifice. May
the torch that has been dinyalahkan RA Kartini in the glowing heart so
exhausted kaummnya darkest before the dawn, will never be dark again!
Raden Ajeng Kartini ...
You're a real woman
to advance the lofty expectations of your people
You fight your destiny undaunted
For the sake of the resurrection of your people
Raden Ajeng Kartini ...
You are an example to us
You align us in the eyes of the world
You are a reflection of ours
Raden Ajeng Kartini ...
Our world brighter because of you
Now they do not look down on us
Now we are proud as a woman
Because we are the country's honor
Raden Ajeng Kartini ...
We promise you
To advance our country
We want to fight the independence
With our knowledge and compassion
For the sake of the noble dream
You're a real woman
to advance the lofty expectations of your people
You fight your destiny undaunted
For the sake of the resurrection of your people
Raden Ajeng Kartini ...
You are an example to us
You align us in the eyes of the world
You are a reflection of ours
Raden Ajeng Kartini ...
Our world brighter because of you
Now they do not look down on us
Now we are proud as a woman
Because we are the country's honor
Raden Ajeng Kartini ...
We promise you
To advance our country
We want to fight the independence
With our knowledge and compassion
For the sake of the noble dream
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